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“Prime Minister Robert Fico’s Condition Remains Unstable as Attempted Murder Shakes Positive Development; Assailant Identified”

The condition of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico remains unstable on Saturday following an assassination attempt on Friday, according to reports from the Associated Press. Health Minister Zuzana Doležalová stated that the incident has had a negative impact on Fico’s overall well-being. The individual involved in the attempted murder appeared before the court for the first time, while judges are currently determining whether or not to transfer the case to a regular court. The judges have imposed a media blackout on any personal information or details regarding the assailant’s identity, although ZLM reports that he is a 71-year-old artist who worked as a customs officer in the past.

The authorities have announced that the suspect does not have any political ties, and the motive behind the assassination attempt appears to be personal in nature.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.