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Education Government Sports

“Prime Minister Pashinyan Celebrates the Best School Teams of Armenia in Dilijan Park: A Showcase of Team Spirit and Achievement”

Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan presented the awards of the “Best School Teams of the Republic of Armenia” competition, organized by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports. This competition, in its third edition, showcased the top teams from public schools that emerged as winners in regional and community stages. The event featured 11 teams, each comprising 7 students – 5 boys and 2 girls – who participated in a 5000-meter race. More than 2400 students from 362 educational institutions across Armenia joined the competition’s regional stages, a significant increase from the 1984 students representing 251 schools in the previous year.

The semifinalists’ teachers and participants were awarded certificates in Education, Science, Culture, and Sports, along with medals and cash prizes. The physical education teacher of the first-place team was awarded AMD 700,000, while each of the 7 students received AMD 150,000. The teachers of the second and third-place teams received AMD 500,000 and AMD 100,000 respectively, with the students receiving AMD 300,000 and AMD 75,000 each.

Prime Minister Pashinyan conveyed his congratulations to the teachers and emphasized the significance of these competitions in nurturing teamwork, team spirit, and exceptional performance. He stated, “Our actions demonstrate that we are more than just a team. We possess a remarkable team spirit, and these competitions serve as a platform to showcase our outstanding collaboration and achievements.”

Pashinyan then awarded the first-place certificates to the team from Syunik, the second-place certificates to the team from Shirak, and the third-place certificates to the team from Vayots Dzor. He also underscored the competitions’ role in honoring the hard work of teachers. Recognizing the importance of physical education in military education, the Prime Minister informed the audience about the opening of Simon Martyrosyan School and the anticipation surrounding the opening of Artoor Alekyan School, Malkhas School, and Roman Amyan School.

Finally, he highlighted the inseparable nature of physical education and general education in the country’s military education system.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.