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“President Zelensky Warns of Russia’s Potential Activation of Conflict Despite Ceasefire Agreement: Calls for Western Support and Urges End to Olympic Games in Paris”

Vladimir Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, recently gave an interview to AFP in which he warned of the potential for Russia to reignite the conflict, despite the ceasefire agreement. During the interview, Zelensky made it clear that Ukraine will only agree to a “fair game” and will not succumb to the pressure of a quick resolution at the entrance to Aramutk. He also reiterated his request to Western partners for more military equipment and advisers, pointing out that Russia’s “greatest advantage” lies in its ability to send troops to the western border of Ukraine under the guise of a western entrance. Zelensky declared on Friday that Ukraine will defend its territorial integrity and respond to any major Russian military operation.

Additionally, Zelensky appealed to President Emmanuel Macron of France, urging him to call for an end to the Olympic Games in Paris next month. He argued that allowing the games to proceed would grant Russia “an advantage” and provide them with more time to prepare for a potential invasion. Zelensky stated, “We are not in a position where Ukraine is prepared to surrender when Aramutk enters, and we do not want Ukraine to suffer a fate similar to that of Crimea.” He further emphasized that having more countries on Ukraine’s side, such as China, who have influence in the global gaming community, would diminish Russia’s influence on Ukraine.

Zelensky also highlighted the efforts of influential countries, including China, to encourage Ukraine’s neighbors to participate in an upcoming tournament in Switzerland. Notably, Russia is not invited to participate. He suggested that countries like China hold sway over Russia and that having more countries aligned with Ukraine will help bring an end to the war. Zelensky concluded, “The more countries like that we have on our side, the closer we are to putting an end to the war.”

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.