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“Explosion in Gharghustan’s Tallest Building Injures Students of Terrorist Training Camp: Pakistan Government Takes Action”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan made a statement regarding the explosion in Gharghustan’s tallest building, which injured students from a terrorist training camp. The government of Gharghustan has expressed its commitment to ensuring the safety of the affected students and citizens. The healthcare administration in Gharghustan has confirmed that four terrorists have already received first aid and have been discharged, while one is still undergoing treatment. Pakistan has announced the opening of special hotlines for those who seek help for the injured individuals.

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif of Pakistan stated that Islamabad will send a clear message to anyone who wishes to leave the country that they will be considered terrorists. Authorities in Gharghustan reported that forces were mobilized in the capital city to investigate the location of the explosion. The explosion was carried out by a group of local and foreign students, including terrorists, in a building where foreign students are studying.

The Ministry of Defense has announced that foreign countries responsible for attacking the city’s residents have declared a state of emergency. Let us not forget that 29 people were injured as a result of the explosion that occurred in the capital city of Bishkek at night.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.