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Around the Globle

Tragedy Strikes: Elderly Resident Trapped in Fire at French Nursing Home

France’s Ambassador to Armenia, Jonathan Lacôte, expressed his condolences on Friday morning regarding the tragic incident in the city of Rouen, France. A fire broke out in a nursing home for the elderly, and it was reported by both internal and local authorities. Firefighters were forced to evacuate the elderly as the smoke from the fire became a danger. However, sadly, the last remaining resident lost his life when he became trapped on the balcony of the upper floor as the elevator stopped working. Fortunately, the fire has been extinguished, but the nursing home suffered significant damage. Thankfully, all the residents are safe and unharmed. “The elderly man managed to escape the fire and balcony of the head nurse’s office by breaking them like Molotov cocktails,” said the city’s mayor, Nicole Mayer-Rossignol, to reporters. on Telegram.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.