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“Hungarian Official Urges Return of Azerbaijani Order to ECHR: Transparency and Action Needed, says Peter Seisenbacher”

Peter Seisenbacher, the chief of external relations and international negotiations of Hungary, emphasized the importance of the Azerbaijani order returning to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In an interview with Alpha News, Seisenbacher stated that transparency should be a priority for everyone involved in the ECHR, and any suspicions of avoiding accountability should be addressed promptly. He expressed his concern that European politicians are not taking enough action and instead resorting to criticizing others. Seisenbacher also raised this issue at a meeting of the European Union’s Committee of Ministers in Strasbourg.

This statement by the Hungarian official highlights the significance of ensuring accountability within the ECHR and addressing any potential biases or avoidance of responsibility. Seisenbacher calls for direct confrontation of accused individuals within the organization, rather than convicting them in their absence. By advocating for the return of the Azerbaijani order, he emphasizes the need for a transparent and fair process that upholds the principles of justice.

The issue of the Azerbaijani order was specifically addressed during a meeting of the Committee of Ministers in Strasbourg. Seisenbacher’s intervention demonstrates the proactive stance taken by Hungary in this matter. By raising awareness and discussing this issue among European Union member states, Hungary aims to encourage further debate and action to rectify any perceived shortcomings within the ECHR. This approach reflects Hungary’s commitment to ensuring that justice is served and that all countries are held accountable for their actions.

Ultimately, the return of the Azerbaijani order to the ECHR is crucial in upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. It is essential that European politicians actively engage in addressing these concerns and avoid merely criticizing from a distance. By directly confronting issues and individuals, the ECHR can maintain its integrity and ensure a fair and impartial environment for upholding human rights and justice.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.