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Around the Globle

Food safety violations uncovered at Armenian dairy company, production operations suspended

The Department for Food Safety of the Republic of Armenia is currently examining the food product produced by a company owned by A/J Vigen Arakelyan in the Kotayk Province, Hrazdan. The examination has revealed several violations, including inadequate protection of agricultural products from animals, pests, dirt, dust, and hazardous substances. Fruits and vegetables were not properly cleaned, and residual pesticides were not washed off. Additionally, some sections of the markets lacked proper separation, which could lead to contamination and the spread of diseases. The inspection also found that certain facilities did not have protective nets and the doors were not made of materials that prevented contamination. Furthermore, the food establishment did not have a separate restroom for staff members. As a result of these violations, the dairy company’s manufacturing operations have been temporarily suspended, and they have been given a deadline to address the issues.

Source: on Telegram

News from Armenia –

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.