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“Devastating Fire Engulfs Yerevan’s Iconic “Shopping City” Center: Store Owners Demand Compensation”

A fire broke out at the “Shopping City” center located on Arshakunyats Avenue in Yerevan, causing significant damage. According to preliminary information, the fire started in the basement and spread through the building. The firefighters who arrived at the scene reported that there were no casualties.

The owners of the affected stores expressed their concerns, stating that they have not yet received any official compensation. One of the store owners said, “Just like during the Surmalu wildfire, they promised to compensate, but it seems they will do the same now.”

The “Shopping City” center was the largest shopping center in Yerevan. We used to sell electronics, furniture, clothes, toys, and everything else here. Nothing was left standing. During the Surmalu wildfire, we also suffered such damage,” said one of the store owners, mentioning that their business premises and doors were damaged, but they have not yet received compensation for the losses.

“It’s difficult. We can barely stand on our feet,” he added.

Earlier, it was reported that on May 17, at 03:51, an alarm was received from the “SOS SYSTEMS” fire alarm system, notifying that a fire had broken out in the “Shopping City” center located on Arshakunyats Avenue in Yerevan.

Based on preliminary data, six stores located within a radius of about 1,000 km were completely burned down, and around 1,500 km radius suffered significant damage due to heat. on Telegram

News from Armenia


Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.