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Armenia’s Research Institutes: Are Opportunities Being Utilized to Establish a Branch of MIT?

How many research institutes are there in Armenia, and how active are they? Are the opportunities created for them being utilized? On May 17, during a meeting with doctors, Bagrat Srvazan, the head of the Stepanakert theme, mentioned that Nuvar Afeanian, an Armenian expert, is one of the world’s leading experts. He manages the entire system, but how much do we benefit from it? A skilled Armenian individual has the ability to utilize everything they have created for the benefit of our country. The opportunity is within our grasp. However, how does Armenia take advantage of this knowledge and strive to establish a branch of MIT? Unfortunately, we seem to be incapable of doing so. We lack a clear purpose for the system – whether it is operating, producing, or continuously developing. This is a question of choice. Let’s envision that Armenia has its own exclusive pharmaceutical products that are only available here. The “Moderna” vaccine could have been produced in Armenia. It is entirely possible for it to be in the Republic of Armenia,” he said, emphasizing that we do not lack opportunities. in Telegram.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.