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Around the Globle

Armenian Officials Engage in Productive Talks with International Banks to Boost Economic Development and Cooperation

Armenian public officials recently held a meeting with representatives from international banks. The president of the state committee, Rusam Badasyan, announced this development. The meeting primarily focused on the progress of programs being carried out by the international bank.

In particular, the participants discussed the implementation of electronic systems for personal accounts and electronic cards. They also talked about various cultural and economic development projects and ways to strengthen international cooperation.

The meeting also included discussions related to other programs, specifically regarding customs and tax fields. One of the main topics was the introduction of electronic payment systems and the development of electronic systems for customs control.

The main objective of the meeting was to ensure further collaboration between the Armenian government and international banks, in order to advance these important areas of development. on Telegram

News from Armenia

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.