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“Village Violence: Residents Assault Civilians, Investigation Underway”

A physical assault against civilians by residents in the village of Kirants has been reported to the Judicial Department. According to Menoah Sokhomyan, a member of the monitoring mission, this information was announced on the “Hai-Ku” Facebook page. The Hai-Ku monitoring mission provided an update on the investigation into serious violations by law enforcement authorities yesterday. The notification was made according to the established procedure. Our actions during the protests, including appeals to the President of the Republic of Armenia, the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, the disciplinary authority of the Judicial Department, and statements against the distortion of the political order, have been specifically addressed to the Judicial Department. The Judicial Department is an independent state body with competent, professional, and impartial judges dedicated to protecting the security of the Republic of Armenia and the Armenian people. It is expected that these cases of violations will be thoroughly investigated. For more information on accepting the visit, please refer to the link “in the comments” on Telegram.

News from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.