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Prime Minister’s Staff Reveals Details on Cooperation with Border Committees of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Response to Declaration of Independence Questions

Information regarding the work and cooperation between the Prime Minister’s staff and the border committees of Armenia and Azerbaijan has been announced in response to questions raised on May 15. The declaration by the border committees discussed the current border situation and the delineation of borders in several regions, including Baghanis, Baghanis-Ayrum, Voskepar, Ashaga Aksu, Kirants, Khajil, and Berkbere. The announcement stated that the border maps used are based on the cartographic maps of the Armed Forces of Armenia from 1976.

In regards to the choice of using the 1976 maps instead of the 1990 maps, it is explained that the former served as the legitimate basis during the delimitation and demarcation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan. These maps were used until the Delimitation phase of the OSCE process and are the latest verification maps under the control of the Republic of Armenia. The 1990 maps were not considered in this context.

The agreement on border markers along the delimitation line is expected to be finalized within the next 8-9 days. Additional studies are being conducted in the Kirants area, which may delay the process there. The borders are situated throughout the territory of the Republic of Armenia, including the Voskepar-Baghanis church and the former Kirants-Hasankala highway. It is emphasized that there is no disagreement in Berkbere.

In terms of the delimitation results in Baghanis, Voskepar, and Berkbere, one of the contentious issues involved the temples, specifically the Holy Savior Church of Baghanis and the military memorial of the Armenian-Azerbaijani war of 1918. However, both issues have been resolved favorably. The entire road and the church are situated within the borders of the Republic of Armenia, in accordance with the Almaz-Ata agreement. It is stated that the process should continue in the same manner for the remaining sections of the established boundary.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.