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“Business Partners Rally to Defend Arrested Opposition Members, Slam Absurd Persecution by Authorities”

The business partners of the arrested opposition members have issued a statement today. Last night, the opposition in Armenia faced intensified persecution as executive member Ishkhan Gevorgyan of the Free Homeland Party, along with four other colleagues involved in peaceful protests, distribution of informational materials, and non-violent resistance, were arrested. The justification for this persecution is baseless since it is well-known that both the executive members of the RA NSS and Ishkhan have always abided strictly by the law, maintaining a strong sense of organization and awareness.

In their statement, the business partners express their unwavering support for Ishkhan and their colleagues. They vow to defend the rights of their business partners and ensure their protection through every available means. The names of the arrested individuals are Ishkhan Gevorgyan, Hrayr Tovmasyan, Hari Avagyan, Andranik Yeghoyan, and Hayk Mesropyan. The lawyers dedicated to protecting the arrested individuals’ rights are Taron Baghdasaryan and Varazdat Harutyunyan.

It is important to recall that law enforcement officers had previously threatened the persecution of these individuals, making baseless accusations of involvement in illegal riots.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.