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“Armenian Government Announces Plans for Biometric Document Program with International Companies”

The Government of the Republic of Armenia has announced that the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be implementing changes and updates as outlined in Decision N 2346-A. This decision, made on December 28, 2023, is based on Article 350-A, which relates to the selection of partners for a program on the production of biometric documents and their issuance.

In order to carry out the program, international companies specializing in document production and technical security, as well as program and technology security, participated in a tender. Some of the participants also submitted independent appeals.

The evaluating committee of the tender carefully examined the proposals to ensure they met the required standards of quality. They also conducted a thorough analysis of the financial, technical, and scientific capabilities of the applicants.

After the evaluation process, three participants have been selected for the second phase of the tender. The first participant is a consortium composed of AUGENTIC GmbH and Imprensa Nacional and Casa da Moeda S.A. The second participant is IDEMIA Identity & Security France SAS and A.C.I. Technology S.à.r.l., and the third participant is Mühlbauer ID Services GmbH.

According to the schedule, the next stage will involve consultations with the selected participants to discuss the terms and conditions of the tender. Once these consultations are completed, the full tender will be announced. The winning participant will then sign a contract, allowing them to begin the construction of the new infrastructure and production in accordance with the tender requirements. This process is expected to take up to one year.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.