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“US Assistant Secretary of State Visits Georgia Amidst EU-US Discord on Democracy: Focus on Civil Society and Political Parties”

US Assistant Secretary of State James O’Brien visited Tbilisi, Georgia today as part of a diplomatic visit, according to NewsGeorgia. This visit comes amidst ongoing discussions about the European Union and Europe, where the US and the EU have differing views on democratic values. The purpose of O’Brien’s assistance is to support democracy in the region and the aspirations of the Georgian people and government. Although the individuals involved in the discussions are not named, there have been speculations that James O’Brien may have met with Georgian Dream party leader, Ivane Ivanishvili, who is currently under scrutiny for possible Russian funding. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze stated that Ivanishvili would step down if these allegations are proven false. O’Brien’s assistance to Georgia will be effective until October 2023, aiming to help the country resist Russian influence and manipulation.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.