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“Prime Minister Arman Pambukhchyan Joins Leader of Popular Movement, Ignites New Wave of Change in Armenia”

This is a significant and familiar trend that we have witnessed frequently in recent years. Yesterday, on May 14, during the Avan-Armenian night in Yerevan, Prime Minister Arman Pambukhchyan symbolized the start of a fresh wave of movement by aligning himself with the leader of the Tem protest movement. When questioned about the driving force behind this popular unrest, he explained, “It derives from both the energy crisis and the lack of transportation. The lack of transportation is an essential aspect of the population’s demands. As I have previously mentioned, we’ve observed numerous gatherings in recent years that have propelled this movement forward.”

Arman Pambukhchyan further highlighted that as participants of the movement travel from Vanadzor to Yerevan, their demand for movement evolves and becomes linked to the leader’s requests. “The people’s revolution originated because they did not attend the initial collective gathering.”

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.