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“New Case of COVID-19 Uncovered in Maternity Ward: Woman Tested Positive in Armenian Ministry of Health Examination”

The examination of employees in the AG and ES departments of the Maternity Ward of Obstetrics at the Ministry of Health has uncovered a new case of coronavirus infection. The infected individual is a woman who was born in Shirak province on May 14. Following the discovery, she underwent a medical examination based on official documents. This information has been reported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Armenia.

In addition to this, it has been reported that on May 8, at 19:39, the Maternity Ward of Obstetrics at the Ministry of Health received a report that a newborn baby had been found at the “Holy Mother of God” Church on Romanos Melikyan Street. The necessary actions were taken by the responsible group, and the baby was transferred to a hospital. The official documents related to this incident have been handed over to the investigative department.

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Source: News from Armenia –


Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.