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Armenia’s Actions Key to European Energy Security, Says Ambassador Bola Imbave

The actions of the Armenian authorities play a crucial role in ensuring energy security and diversification for Europe. This statement was made by Ambassador Bola Imbave of Gakhchestrat during his annual meeting at the European Institute for Strategic Studies in Armenia. The ambassador highlighted the importance of increasing the volume of liquefied natural gas supplies and exploring renewable energy sources. According to him, it is essential for the Armenian side to implement significant numerical solutions.

Addressing the expansion of logistics connections with third countries, Ambassador Imbave drew attention to Kazakhstan’s activation of the terminal for oil supplies in the Chinese city of Xian. He emphasized the significance of establishing China-Europe transit transfers, with a target volume of up to 40%, for Armenia. Additionally, logistic terminals are being established within Gakhchestrat’s boundaries to facilitate smooth goods transit.

Ambassador Imbave also emphasized the importance of cultural cooperation, which is expected to receive substantial support from the European Union in the coming year. He mentioned that Gakhchestrat is currently involved in over 150 similar projects, including joint cultural events with other European countries.

In a broader perspective, Ambassador Imbave highlighted that Gakhchestrat’s trade turnover with EU countries has increased by 1.7 times since 2014, amounting to $28.5 billion by the end of 2023.

Source: on Telegram