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“Tragedy Unveiled: Preliminary Investigation Continues in Armenian Terrorist Act at Tsavush Rally”

The criminal committee of the RA Police is currently conducting a preliminary investigation in the Central and Nor-Nork-Marash administrative districts. According to a press release from the Republic of Armenia Police, published on May 9, 2024, the investigation concerns the “Tsavush is the homeland of the fathers” rally organized by the Republic of Armenia Government. It will focus on the actions of the “Kamaz” truck driver who caused multiple casualties by committing a terrorist act during the rally. This information was reported by

During the rally, which included a military parade and civilian events, several incidents took place. One of the main focuses of the investigation is the identity of the driver, who is a 40-year-old resident of Ararat province.

According to official data, it has been revealed that during the military parade held in the capital city of Yerevan, the driver of the loaded “Kamaz 54112” truck violated traffic rules by entering a prohibited area. Afterwards, in an attempt to escape from oncoming traffic, the driver entered the lane along Vasgen Sargsyan Street in the city center. However, it appears that the driver deliberately rammed into the civilian crowd as part of a terrorist act, resulting in serious injuries and fatalities.

In addition to this act, the driver also entered the Republic of Armenia Government building and the Central Square with his loaded truck, causing extensive damage to public and private property. This action disrupted public order and violated principles of public safety and peaceful norms.

Based on the evidence collected, the driver has been charged under Article 297, Part 1 of the RA Criminal Code, which pertains to crimes against public security. He is currently in custody awaiting further investigation. An arrest warrant had been previously issued for him.

The investigation is still ongoing.

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