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“Spokesperson for ‘Civic Agreement’ dismisses allegations of violence linked to Bagrat Galstanyan, sparks controversy”

The individual engaging in violent actions in politics cannot be considered holy in my eyes. I will refer to this individual as Bagrat Galstanyan or Vazgen. In a recent interview with, Arpine Davoyan, a spokesperson for the “Civic Agreement” group, responded to questions regarding Galstanyan’s violent activities. She stated, “I am not obligated to respond to that, as we should focus on the organizational issue. Not everything he says needs to be discussed, analyzed, and given attention to.” Davoyan also expressed her belief that Galstanyan’s actions and the attacks against him and the opposition are part of a larger agenda in Armenia. She mentioned that if the opposition’s actions escalate, more hidden figures would be revealed.

When asked about the use of brute force by the authorities to suppress peaceful protesters, Davoyan explained that after participating in the recent actions, she realized they were not peaceful, but rather organized by citizens themselves with protests and riots. She also emphasized the need for clarity in the movement’s purpose and when Echmiadzin would address it comprehensively instead of focusing solely on Bagrat.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.