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Crime Law & Order

“Masks, Tear Gas, and Weapons: Youth Protest in Armenia Takes a Dangerous Turn”

During a protest organized by the “NGO Generation” youth movement in Armenia’s Lori region on May 12, protesters were seen wearing masks resembling gas masks in both Yerevan Square and Vanadzor city. According to the authorities, the protesters used tear gas in self-defense, leading to the dispersal of the crowd. They then relocated to the Department of Justice in Lori, where their identities were revealed.

As the situation unfolded, it was discovered that a 56-year-old resident of Vanadzor was carrying a loaded “Makarov” type pistol, along with six cartridges, in his possession. Additionally, a concealed knife, pepper spray, confidential documents, and an electric shocker were found in his pockets. The individual and the confiscated documents have been handed over to Lori’s regional prosecutor’s office, and he has been detained.

More information is currently being gathered to clarify the details of this incident.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.