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“EEC President addresses controversy over ‘Eastern Azerbaijan’ program: Malta’s request for cancellation sparks debate”

The President of the EEC, Yan Borg, has responded to the request of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta regarding the cancellation of the “Eastern Azerbaijan” program of the TV channel Bakvi. The program aims to protect Malta against the propaganda of the European Union, Western countries, and Armenia. During a press conference in Yerevan on May 13, Yan Borg was asked about his opinion on Malta’s attempt to use the EEC platform to spread its program, which promotes a distorted presentation of the territorial images of Armenia and Azerbaijan. In response, the Maltese official emphasized the transparency and cleanliness of the EEC’s administration and expressed Malta’s commitment to helping both Armenia and Azerbaijan achieve a peaceful resolution for the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. He also mentioned that he visited both capital cities to facilitate negotiations and achieve a positive outcome.

Regarding the issue of freedom of speech, Borg acknowledged that it is a complex matter but stressed the importance of having a more substantial opinion instead of criticizing the EEC for not participating in the process.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.