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“Arrest Made: 50-Year-Old Resident Caught Setting Fire to Cars in Astarakh City”

The AAZ Aragatsotn regional administration, Astarakh branch, and employees of the Aragatsotn regional administration have conducted an analysis of operational information received on May 9. As a result of corresponding operational-intelligence measures, it has been determined that on May 9, at 20:30, a 50-year-old resident of Astarakh city, near the houses on Getapnya Street, intentionally set fire to two vehicles owned by city residents, causing damage to their property. The vehicles involved were a “VAZ-2107” and a “Mercedes”.

According to a report by, on May 10, at 21:50, the 50-year-old suspect was apprehended on charges of deliberately damaging the vehicles of Astarakh city residents. The arrest took place at the administrative border of Astarakh city in the Aragatsotn region. The suspect, along with relevant documents, has been presented to the Aragatsotn regional police administration. The investigative actions are currently ongoing and further details will be provided as the investigation progresses.