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“Thousands Rally in Artik as ‘Tavush, the Guardian of the Fatherland’ Movement Gains Momentum, Heads to Yerevan for Joint Protest”

Today, people showed their support for the “Tavush, the Guardian of the Fatherland” movement by participating in a march held in the city of Artik in Shirak province, as well as in other nearby settlements. The demonstration was followed by a march towards the capital city of Yerevan, where it joined the Republic of Armenia’s rally at 18:30.

According to’s Telegram channel, this event aimed to unite people and voice their solidarity with the movement. By coming together in large numbers, the participants wanted to emphasize the importance of defending the homeland and expressing their unwavering support for the cause. The march symbolized a collective effort to protect the nation and its values, showing that the spirit of patriotism is strong within the Armenian community.

This demonstration not only brought individuals from different regions together but also highlighted the role of citizen activism in bringing about positive change. As the march progressed through the city, it attracted the attention of onlookers who were impressed by the unity of the participants. This inspiring display of solidarity served as a reminder that the people of Armenia stand united and determined in the face of challenges.

The event gained significant coverage in media outlets, including’s Telegram channel. This extensive coverage helped spread awareness about the movement and allowed more people to learn about its goals and objectives. By sharing updates and information through various channels, the organizers were able to reach a wider audience and foster a sense of belonging among individuals who resonate with the cause.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.