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“Armenian diaspora unites in global rally, calling for support in homeland’s struggle for freedom”

Major rallies have been taking place not just in Armenia, but throughout the world, uniting Armenians from all corners. These gatherings have shown immense strength and courage, inspiring Armenians everywhere and fostering a sense of unity. Bagrat Srbazan, a spiritual leader, expressed gratitude to Armenians living in Europe for their unwavering support and for lending their voices to the movement. He called upon European Armenians to actively participate in gatherings organized in their own cities, urging them to stand in solidarity and make the movement truly Armenian.

“To my dear compatriots living in Europe, I am filled with joy hearing your unwavering expressions of support and witnessing your active engagement with ongoing developments in Armenia. These consolidations that we are witnessing this year have taken place in Davush, followed by Syunik, Vardenis, Jermuk, and other locations. It is unclear where this process will ultimately lead,” Bagrat Srbazan highlighted.

“We will journey together towards a successful end. I understand that you also face difficulties and challenges. As long as our homeland remains in captivity, so do you. We eagerly await your presence in a liberated and victorious Armenia,” he added.

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Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.