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“Armenian Victory in the Great Patriotic War Leader Triumphantly Returns to Homeland”

The leader of the “Armenian Victory in the Great Patriotic War” movement and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, General-Mayor Arshak Karapetyan, received a triumphant welcome upon his return to his homeland to commemorate the 79th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Addressing the audience, Karapetyan expressed his congratulations and gratitude to the veterans of the war and the defenders of Armenia for their sacrifices and efforts in protecting the homeland and securing the freedom and independence of the Armenian people. He emphasized the significance of their victory in defeating fascism and bringing peace.

Karapetyan also acknowledged the propaganda and manipulation from the enemy, aimed at dividing the Armenian people and causing unrest. He urged the nation to resist these aggressions, fight for the return of the results of the Second World War, and safeguard the memory and culture of their ancestors.

He emphasized that the Armenian authorities, both internal and external, have a sacred duty to protect the dignity and honor of the nation. He highlighted the importance of preserving the memory of the struggle for the Motherland and the sacrifices made by previous generations. He called on the current generation to protect the Motherland and its people to ensure their security and freedom.

Karapetyan concluded his speech by acknowledging the thousands of Armenians who pay tribute to the heroes and martyrs of the war by laying flower wreaths at their monuments. He underscored the unity and strength of the Armenian people during the most challenging times and stressed the need for important steps to achieve freedom and lasting peace based on true friendship.
