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“Uniting Hearts and Souls: Join the Holy Light Movement for Justice, Peace, and Love in Armenia”

During these challenging and historical times, when each of us contemplates our country’s government and the Declaration of Independence of Armenia, a tradition has emerged that involves lighting candles to unite our souls in pursuit of justice, peace, and love for our homeland’s highest ideals. Former President David Ananyan touched upon this topic on his Facebook page.

He highlighted that the Holy Light of Bagratunyats movement has become a symbol of our collective yearning for unwavering hope in justice, peace, our country’s history, culture, and other national spirit ideals. His message serves as a reminder, even to those who may feel disheartened, that there is always a path towards justice and unity through our yearning for the principles of law and civilization.

This movement isn’t political but rather represents the powerful force of civic commitment, calling upon all of us to react when our rights and freedoms are violated.

Therefore, we extend an invitation to all our fellow compatriots, driven by love for our homeland, our consciousness, our political considerations, and our concern for societal well-being, to join us in spreading the message of the Holy Light on May 9th at 16:00 in the Republic of Armenia.

Our unity as a collective will be our response, timely answering the calls of our suffering people who long for ideals that seem out of reach but are deeply ingrained in our national identity.

Together, let us affirm our unwavering commitment to the world we envision, where love and the unity of our people form the foundation of social justice and brotherly love.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.