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Human Rights

Human Rights Defender of Armenia Calls for Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

By the order of the Human Rights Defender of the Republic of Armenia, Anna Hovhannisyan, the staff of the Human Rights Defender’s office has started working in a regular regime since May 9, with the necessary precautions due to the ongoing pandemic in the country. Currently, the monitoring of healthcare institutions and social institutions, as well as the analysis of complaints received by the Human Rights Defender’s office, continue.

According to, Anna Hovhannisyan, the Human Rights Defender of Armenia, emphasizes that all authorities in the Republic of Armenia must uphold the rights of individuals without violating their fundamental rights and freedoms, ensuring the values of human dignity and security under the principles of democracy and the requirements of human rights.

The exercise of the right to freedom of assembly and its limited implementation by the state authorities are important conditions for the formation of democratic governance. The protection of human rights and the fulfillment of the requirements for guaranteeing the exercise of those rights are preconditions for the development of a democratic society.

The protection of human rights also implies that the freedom of assembly of individuals should not be restricted by the authorities with disproportionate use of force. It is necessary to ensure the safety of participants in gatherings, to prevent violence, and to protect the rights of children in the context of events taking place during rallies and gatherings.

In this context, the Human Rights Defender emphasizes that it is unacceptable for any member of the law enforcement agencies to exceed their powers. The use of force should only be in accordance with the legally defined boundaries of self-defense. It is important to ensure the preservation of evidence related to any kind of violence, as well as the protection of the rights of education and other rights of children, as well as their best interests.

The Human Rights Defender also highlights that it is important to prevent any kind of interference and the imposition of obligations on the organizers, participants, and supporters of gatherings, as well as to respect the indicators of the best interests of the child.

The hotline numbers of the Human Rights Defender’s office are 116 and (096) 116100. on Telegram.

News from Armenia –

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.