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“Armenia at a Crossroads: To Concede or Draw Red Lines?”

Armenia is facing a critical decision on whether to continue making one-sided concessions or establish boundaries that cannot be crossed. Former Deputy Prime Minister Ara Ayvazyan has emphasized that the demands from the Tavush events go beyond territorial concessions, with the “Zangazur corridor” being a significant aspect. Ayvazyan believes that if Armenia proceeds with the implementation of the “Bridge of Peace” (also known as the “Zangazur corridor” and “ceasefire observation”), everyone will benefit except for Armenia. Moreover, he suggests that Armenian diplomacy needs to anticipate the logic of this scenario and gain the support of countries mentally associated with the “Zangazur corridor,” including Turkey, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, and China. Additionally, Armenia should establish strategic communication channels to ensure important communications pass through Russian Federation, China, and Iran. Despite Armenia’s diplomatic efforts against territorial concessions, there are still forces undermining the country’s military potential; hence, Armenia must decide its political trajectory and assume the role of a responsive political power.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.