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Education Politics

“Verified Newspaper Uncovers Unrest Surrounding the ‘Movement for Tabush, the Pride of the Homeland'”

The “Verified” newspaper reports that the “Movement for Tabush, the Pride of the Homeland,” is currently causing unrest with its activities, which have garnered international attention. Our government sources indicate that these activities are currently being closely monitored and evaluated on a 24-hour basis. Specifically, we are interested in the potential developments that this movement may have, particularly on the evenings of May 8 and 9. We are curious about the number of participants expected and how factors such as the “bell effect” may influence the situation.

Furthermore, it is evident that the movement is aware of the possibility of holding peaceful demonstrations at any time, which might undermine their cause. In response, they are making every effort to mobilize all available methods and administrative resources to prevent these developments. According to our sources, the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sport’s administration has issued a circular to all school principals, notifying them that student participation in any form of protest will be closely monitored.

Specifically, our information indicates that several high school students have provided accurate information regarding the number of teachers from Yerevan schools who have decided to attend school, those who are absent, and other relevant details. This information will be invaluable in establishing reliable verification. Additionally, instructors with close connections to the management have advised teachers to hold meetings and attempt to dissuade them from participating in ongoing events in Yerevan.

For more detailed information, please refer to today’s issue of the newspaper. Stay updated with on Telegram for news from Armenia. Don’t forget to grab a print copy!

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.