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“Peaceful Civic Movement “Tavush Belongs to the Fatherland” Advocate for Harmony and Compromise in Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Demarcation”

This movement is not about me or any other individual, it does not create division. Bagrat Srbazan, a participant in the civic movement “Tavush Belongs to the Fatherland”, stated this during a meeting with the participants. “We are here today in order to create harmony in our minds until the end. We are tools, each of us in our own way. No one should have doubts, resentment, or ill words about what I have done. You haven’t done anything either. I’m telling you here and now, you haven’t done anything. If we don’t find a compromise and a solution, nothing will be achieved. We are not doing this because of what is happening, it is within us, that God is completing us,” he said.

Let’s remember that the joint commission on the delimitation and demarcation of the borders between Armenia and Azerbaijan reached an agreement to start demarcation from the Tavush region on April 19. The description of the segments of the border has been compiled, taking into account the geodetic measurements carried out in the field, which should be completed by May 15, 2024.

The staff of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia announced that Azerbaijan receives 2.5 villages in exchange, while the Republic of Armenia reduces its risks. A few hundred meters of one segment of the road in the village will be changed, while Voskepar will not have any problems. After the demarcation, the armed forces of the four villages will be reassessed and their positions will be transferred to the border guards.

Residents of the villages adjacent to the Tavush region started protest actions on April 19 according to the Armenian-Georgian interstate highway. They represent an alternative to demarcation, which has been agreed upon by Yerevan and Baku. However, despite all this, the demarcation of the Armenia-Azerbaijan border, which has already reached about 40 percent, continues.

The entrance to Kirants on Sunday was blocked, only the villagers were allowed to enter, with passports. The leaders of the village did not allow the leader of the Tavush Armenian Church, Father Bagrat, the representative of the “Armenia” faction Gagik Danielyan, and journalists. There was a large number of police in that area.

The road passing through Kirants was reopened on May 3.

More details in the video. in Telegram

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.