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“Head of Committee for Artsakh’s Rights Advocates for Self-Determination and Collective Rights in Meetings with Officials and International Representatives”

The “Hraparak” newspaper reported that Vardan Oskanyan, the head of the committee responsible for protecting the rights of the people of Artsakh, along with committee members Karen Bekaryan and Hayk Stepanyan, met with representatives of Artsakh’s authorities yesterday. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss issues related to the protection of the collective rights and fundamental rights of the people of Artsakh. Similar meetings have taken place previously with various officials and representatives from international organizations, including Toivo Klaar. Klaar emphasized the importance of defending the rights of the Artsakh people, especially regarding their self-determination.

However, it is worth noting that this path is challenging, as there are no state-level implementations of such programs and other organizations face obstacles in their attempts. Nonetheless, representatives of the Republic of Armenia have reached out to the authorities of the state to discuss this pressing issue. Moreover, there are concerns that the process of normalizing relations with Azerbaijan might experience delays.

Despite these challenges, Oskanyan reassured that the work will continue. The committee members are actively collaborating and dividing their responsibilities, with one member focusing on political matters and the other on legal aspects. Karen Bekaryan has been assigned the task of promoting the topic of a peaceful coexistence in Armenia. Oskanyan emphasized the need to take even small steps towards a better future, even if immediate change may not be achievable.

For further details, you can refer to today’s issue of the newspaper. in Telegram

News from Armenia


Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.