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“Deadly Car Crash in Shirak Province Leaves Six Injured and Causes Major Traffic Disruption”

On May 7th, a major car accident occurred in the Shirak province. At approximately 15:00, three cars, a “Nissan,” a “Volkswagen Passat,” and a “VAZ 2107,” collided in the village of Mets Keti on the Gyumri-Bavra highway, as reported by

As a result of the collision, six individuals sustained various degrees of bodily injuries and were transferred to the Gyumri hospital. Four doctors transported the patients, two of which were city residents.

The rescue teams have successfully removed the cars, closed the gas valves, and restored order at the scene of the accident.

Based on preliminary information, the “Nissan” car is believed to be the cause of the accident. It first collided with the “VAZ 2107” while entering Gyumri, then continued and collided with the “Volkswagen Passat.” Finally, it came to a stop in the middle of the road.

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Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.