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“Narrow Escape: Fire Breaks Out in Yerevan Club, Prompt Response Prevents Tragedy”

On May 5th, a serious incident took place in Yerevan when the National Crisis Management Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Armenia received an alarm call about smoke and fire coming from the attic of building number 8 on Amiryana street, according to Immediately, a rescue team was dispatched to the scene by the NCMC.

The firefighters were able to contain and extinguish the fire, preventing it from spreading further. The incident occurred at the “Tochka” club located at the mentioned address. Fortunately, there were no casualties reported.

As a precautionary measure, the administrative department of the Emergency Situations Ministry is preparing documents for possible transfer to the Crisis Committee of the Yerevan Municipality and the Central and Nor Nork Districts.


Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.