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“Members of ‘Tavush is the Homeland’ Movement Reach Yerevan After 4-Day March: A Call to End Incessant Bloodshed”

Members of the ‘Tavush is the Homeland’ movement completed their march and arrived in Yerevan today, on May 6. They will spend the night in the village of Solak. The march, led by Bagrat Srbazan, was announced earlier. Srbazan stated that they will continue with cars for the remaining 10 km to the Solak village, as a special place has been designated there. The authorities have restricted access to the wider territory where the people’s leader cannot hold an event. Srbazan apologized for the inconvenience caused and expressed his blessings.

To recap, the members of the ‘Tavush is the Homeland’ movement, led by Bagrat Srbazan, have been marching on foot from Kajaran since May 1. Their journey will conclude in Yerevan on May 9.

Srbazan addressed the need to end the seemingly endless negotiations and bloodshed. He emphasized that this ongoing process must be ceased as it is incomprehensible and has resulted in significant loss of lives. These remarks were made prior to the start of the march.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.