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Government Politics

“Leader of Tavush Team, Bagrat Srbazan, Makes Powerful Statement as Demands for Government Change Echo Across Armenia”

The leader of the Tavush team, Bagrat Srbazan, arrived in the village of Sarigyugh after Sunday’s march. The participants of the march, who started from Ashtarak Erekati’s house, also included members of the “Civil Contract” alliance led by Suren Petrosyan and AAZ representative Garnik Danielyan, as well as Artur Sarkisyan.

Prior to this, Bagrat Srbazan had announced that the march would reach Yerevan on May 9th, where they intend to present their demands to the government. These demands are centered around the resignation of the current government and an end to one-party rule.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.