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“Armenia’s Schengen Visa Process Riddled with Difficulties and Lucrative Business, Reveals Investigation”

The process of obtaining a Schengen visa in Armenia has always been challenging, but in recent years, it has become even more difficult. Many people have noticed that European embassies are turning a blind eye to the issues surrounding visa issuance, turning it into a profitable business. This issue is widely discussed on social media platforms.

According to our sources, there is also a problem with “visa centers” that offer the opportunity to “buy” a visa. The prices for these visas reportedly range from 20,000 to 40,000 AMD. However, there is no guarantee that you will receive the visa on your first attempt. Sometimes, they reject the visa application altogether, while other times, they grant a visa with a very short validity period to revisit the region.

As a result, the situation has become more complicated compared to the discussions when visa liberalization was first introduced for visa-free countries. To learn more about the recent visa policy changes for visa-free travel, please refer to today’s article in newspaper.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.