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International Military Politics

“Armenia- Israel Defense Talks: Gantz Ready to Discuss Hostage Return Provisions”

According to the Times of Israel, Defense Minister Benny Gantz has expressed his willingness to discuss certain provisions of a recent offer made by Israel regarding the return of hostages. However, it should be noted that the Armenian Ministry of Defense has not yet officially responded to this offer. Gantz advised intelligence sources and decision-makers to wait for official information, keep it secret, and avoid creating unnecessary hysteria. Once the Armenian Ministry of Defense provides a response, Israel’s military cabinet will convene to hold a discussion.

This news comes from Armenia and highlights the ongoing negotiations between Armenia and Israel. The Defense Minister’s statement suggests a willingness to engage in dialogue, but nothing has been officially confirmed at this point. It is important for those involved to exercise caution and wait for the Armenian Ministry of Defense’s official response before making any further judgments or statements.

Freelance journalist specializing in the underrepresented stories of the Russian far east.