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“Armenia’s “Armenia” faction announces appointment of new leader amid tensions in Kirantsi”

We aim to engage with international organizations and diplomatic missions to gain a deeper understanding of our organization and its objectives. Furthermore, we seek to gather perspectives from those who support financial investments in Armenia, as well as individuals who are curious to uncover the truth about our reputation. On May 2nd, during a press conference held in the National Assembly, the leader of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation, Arsen Mikayelyan, was announced as the appointed leader by the “Armenia” faction.

In relation to the situation in Kirantsi, Mikayelyan emphasized that the public unrest stemmed from concerns regarding the security of the homeland rather than specific political motives. This unrest has become a recurring theme, with certain individuals undermining the efforts of the authorities and aiming to transform the country into something resembling Turkey or Azerbaijan. In an effort to gain more insight into the actions of the authorities, representatives from our organization will be present in Kirantsi today to gather detailed information for dissemination to those affected by violence. It is clear that discussions around this issue have not been handled appropriately.

Mikayelyan suggested the establishment of a fact-finding committee in Kirantsi to investigate the events that have unfolded. He highlighted the disproportionate use of force and stressed that such actions should not be subject to further discussion.

This news update provides information on recent developments in Armenia.