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“National Crisis Management Center Thwarts Suicide Attempt on Keivani Bridge with Swift Response”

On April 29, at 00:26, the National Crisis Management Center received an alarm regarding a resident’s attempt to commit suicide by jumping off the Keivani bridge in Yerevan. The Rescue Service reported to that the situation was resolved by the NKR Rescue Department of Yerevan, in collaboration with the operational group of the National Crisis Management Center and the psychologist from the Mental Health Support Department.

The resident, A.A., who attempted suicide, was successfully prevented from doing so by the rescuers and medical personnel. A.A. has now been transferred to the medical department for further care and treatment.

On-site, the psychologist from the Mental Health Support Department provided necessary psychological assistance to A.A., ensuring their well-being after the incident.

This is the recent news from Armenia as reported by

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.