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“Mother Church or Political Proxy? Spiritual Leaders Pushing Boundaries of Authority, Says Heriknaz Tigranyan”

Mother Church and spiritual leaders have they remained within the boundaries of their spiritual authority? This question was addressed on April 30 during a conversation with journalists by Heriknaz Tigranyan, the authorized representative of the political group “Civil Contract”. Tigranyan pointed out that in recent days there has been an active encouragement of spiritual leaders by the Mother Church. She expressed her belief that if these leaders truly serve their flock and prioritize their spiritual mission over political interests, they should speak with a genuine and sincere message. Tigranyan also emphasized that platforms and forms exist for expressing opinions and communicating with ruling authorities, but political statements should not be made in that context.

Tigranyan stated that she had not heard the statement of Arshak Srbazan, but she believes that spiritual leaders are meant to be supporters and advocates of their cause and doctrine, rather than engaging in political activities. She emphasized that the followers of spiritual leaders are more likely to obey their spiritual speech rather than the words of a politician. Tigranyan also recognized that certain political forces are currently using spiritual authority to further their own agendas by relying on the influence of priests.

It is evident that the issue of spiritual leaders and their involvement in politics is a topic of concern in Armenia. The question of whether these leaders are staying true to their spiritual mission, or if they are instead being swayed by political interests, is a matter that deserves attention. The role of the Church and its leaders should be to guide and support the spiritual well-being of their followers, rather than becoming entangled in political affairs.

Furthermore, it is crucial to maintain a clear distinction between the realms of politics and spirituality. While it is important for spiritual leaders to have a voice and contribute to societal conversations, their primary focus should always remain on their sacred duty. Platforms exist for political leaders to express their opinions and engage with ruling authorities, and it is important that these platforms are not misused by spiritual figures to make political statements. By keeping the boundaries intact, the spiritual authority can maintain its credibility and effectiveness.

Overall, it is necessary for spiritual leaders and the Mother Church to evaluate their actions and ensure they are aligned with their true mission. They should prioritize the spiritual well-being of their followers and avoid compromising their authority by engaging in political activities. By doing so, they can maintain the trust and respect of the people, and continue to play a significant role in guiding and inspiring individuals on their spiritual journeys.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.