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“High-ranking Spiritual Figures Reject Unity with Armenian Apostolic Church, Citing Political Activism”

High-ranking spiritual figures, who were previously known as political activists and influential archbishops, have refused to unite with the Armenian Apostolic Church, claiming that they are too small to be part of the Church. They argue that if they are considered the Church, then they should also be considered the government, but they believe they are too insignificant to be part of the government. This announcement was made during an interview with Deputy Prime Minister Ruben Rubinyan on the Public Television of Armenia. Rubinyan discussed an initiative to resolve the conflict, mentioning the address from the Armenian Apostolic Church and the statement from Bagrat Archbishop Galstanyan calling for a ceasefire in the Tavush villages amidst cross-border attacks.

According to some reports, certain members of the church are involved in political activities.

“It is normal for any citizen of the Republic of Armenia to engage in political activities, but those individuals must be prepared to be recognized as political figures and not attempt to turn the Armenian Apostolic Church into a battleground, which would affect its religious activities,” emphasized the archbishop’s spokesperson.

The archbishop argues that the border of Armenia is where the Armenian warrior should defend. However, this argument does not hold true as the Armenian soldiers have not been successful in defending the territory of Armenia itself, but rather under the occupation of Azerbaijan. Using the same argument, our adversary could claim themselves as the victor. The determination of borders should be based on legally binding documents and not on personal authority. At best, it is an unsupported statement, and at worst, it is a form of political activism,” explained Rubinyan.

This is the latest news from Armenia.

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.