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“Berqaber Bear Captured and Relocated to Yerevan: Injured Volunteer’s Condition Stabilizing”

The bear that was trapped on the outskirts of Berqaber has been successfully captured and relocated to Yerevan, as announced by Vasgen Sargsyan, the spokesperson. Sargsyan explained that the bear had sustained an injury and was therefore transferred from Ijevan to Yerevan for further medical treatment. Earlier, it was reported that G. Mardanyan, born in 1980, had committed to participate as a civilian volunteer in the affected area of Karanch-Berqaber. Garunik Danielyan, a representative of the Armenian National Security Party, shared information suggesting that the volunteer was injured during the bear-trapping process in Tavush.

In light of this incident, Garunik Danielyan’s announcement clarified that they had submitted a question to the Minister of Defense, seeking clarification on the condition of the injured volunteer. He further mentioned that the volunteer’s life was not in danger and that his current condition was satisfactory.

This is the latest news from Armenia, reported by

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