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Around the Globle

“Residents of Kirants Stand Firm, Refusing to Open Road to Georgia: Spiritual Leader Takes the Lead”

In the village of Kirants in the region of Tavush, the residents have been protesting for several days by keeping the road towards Georgia closed. Father Bagrat Srbazan, the spiritual leader of the Tavush temple, is leading the protest in Kirants. Father Bagrat Srbazan stated that if anyone tries to harm the memory of the martyrs and their sacrifice, they will face strong opposition. He emphasized that the Armenian church, through its cultural, scientific, and spiritual knowledge, will continue to express the natural love and respect for the Memorial Complex of the Genocide in Tsitsernakaberd, and this expression is not artificial or political.

This news was shared from Armenia by

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.