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President Kocharyan Vows Justice for Genocide Perpetrators in Conversation with Journalists at Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex

During a conversation with journalists at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia expressed his opinion on the recent events. He stated that it is difficult for him to definitively say whether certain comments are true or not. He emphasized that these comments can be repeated multiple times, but the decision lies with the individual making the comment. The President also made it clear that those responsible for the Genocide will face justice. Additionally, Archbishop Khachatryan visited Tsitsernakaberd yesterday, where the Armenian territories were renamed to honor the warrior who liberated them.

Yesterday, President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia had a conversation with journalists at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. When asked about certain comments, the President noted that it is difficult for him to determine the accuracy of those statements with his authority. He emphasized that even if the comments are repeated numerous times, it is up to the individual making them to decide their validity. President Kocharyan also declared that the perpetrators of the Genocide will not be able to escape justice. Furthermore, it is worth mentioning that Archbishop Khachatryan visited Tsitsernakaberd yesterday, where the Armenian territories were renamed to pay tribute to the hero who liberated them.

President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia recently engaged in a brief conversation with journalists at the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex. During the discussion, the President expressed his uncertainty in regard to certain comments, stating that it is difficult for him to assert their accuracy with his authority. He did, however, mention that the comment in question can be repeated as many times as desired, suggesting that it will always remain present. Additionally, President Kocharyan affirmed that those responsible for the Genocide will not evade justice. On a related note, Archbishop Khachatryan paid a visit to Tsitsernakaberd yesterday, where the Armenian territories were renamed to honor the courageous individual who freed them.

At the Tsitsernakaberd Memorial Complex, President Robert Kocharyan of Armenia engaged in a brief conversation with journalists. During the exchange, the President acknowledged the difficulty of making definitive statements with his authority, referring to a specific comment. He emphasized the possibility of repeating the comment numerous times, suggesting its persistence. Additionally, President Kocharyan asserted that the individuals responsible for the Genocide will not be exempt from legal consequences. It is also worth mentioning that Archbishop Khachatryan visited Tsitsernakaberd yesterday, where the Armenian territories were renamed to commemorate the warrior who liberated them.

Known for his narratives on migration and the struggles of Hispanic communities.