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Government Politics Social Media

“Power in the Age of Social Media: My Step Party Shifts Communication Strategy Amidst Crisis”

The “Hraparak” newspaper reports that the members of the ruling My Step party have a tendency to avoid public places, public events, and press conferences. Instead, they choose to communicate through their Facebook pages and state media outlets. Prime Minister Pashinyan has announced that he will express his gratitude via a series of posts on his Facebook page. A source from the ruling party has stated that previously scheduled visits by government officials have been canceled, and they are considering hosting a press conference in the parliament instead. It is expected that the government’s resignation will also be discussed during this conference. Meanwhile, the opposition continues to urge the public to take to the streets, suggesting that the resignation has not been accepted and that a change in power has not occurred. The opposition remains hopeful that the crisis can still be resolved and a new prime minister can be elected.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.