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“Azerbaijan’s Aggression Threatens Armenian Cultural Heritage and Denies Genocide, Says Renowned Genocide Scholar”

The renowned Newsweek magazine recently published an article by Dr. Eliza von Joeden-Forgayen, director of the Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies in Philadelphia, USA. The article focuses on the Armenian Genocide’s 109th anniversary, as well as the struggle for political recognition faced by the Armenian population in Azerbaijan. Dr. Joeden-Forgayen highlights the vandalization of the Armenian Monastery of Amaras, an important center of the Armenian Apostolic Church, by Azerbaijan. This act violated a 2020 agreement and displaced thousands of Armenians from their homes. The article also discusses Azerbaijan’s suppression of Armenian cultural heritage, including the destruction and rebranding of Armenian churches as “Caucasian Albanian.”

It is evident that Azerbaijan’s actions not only violate religious rights but also undermine global values that uphold religious freedom. These destructive policies have been compared to the ethnic cleansing carried out during the Armenian Genocide, which resulted in the deaths of over a million Armenians. The Armenian Genocide, which predates the First World War, is an integral part of the ancient Armenian civilization, symbolized by the Armenian Apostolic Church.

The article highlights the ongoing threat to the cultural continuity of the Christian Armenian civilization and the erasure of its history. Azerbaijan’s attempts to rewrite Armenian history through the destruction and renaming of historical Armenian sites reflect a radical ethno-religious nationalist agenda. Dr. Joeden-Forgayen emphasizes the significance of Azerbaijan’s recognition of the Armenian Genocide for genocide survivors and the international community’s commitment to justice and human rights. Additionally, she plans to visit Western Armenia to witness the consequences of Azerbaijan’s aggression towards Armenian cultural heritage firsthand.

This article serves as a testament to the resilience and enduring symbol of faith that Armenia represents. Despite Azerbaijan’s attempts to erase Armenian historical memory, Armenia’s authentic image will continue to be cherished globally as the “Eternal Armenia.”

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.