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“Armenian Prime Minister Pashinyan Faces Criticism for Negotiating Territory Handover to Azerbaijan, Sparks Constitutional Debate”

Pashinyan is currently conducting external negotiations, trying to end the occupation and dissolution of territories before April 24th to hand them over to Azerbaijan. This was reported today, on April 24th, by Avedik Chalabian, the head of “Haykhe” national salvation initiative, during a meeting with reporters in Tavush.

“There will, at some point, be some kind of an agreement by a certain entity that does not have any legitimate authority. Any change in the territory of the Republic of Armenia is only possible through a national referendum in accordance with the Constitution of Armenia,” stated Chalabian.

The process that is taking place here can only take place with the consent of the entire nation. No separate position can be taken by any position-holder to decide which is the territory of the Republic of Armenia. This position should be decided by the people, and the people can only accept this line. Here the rights of the people are being violated,” stated Avedik Chalabian.

News from Armenia –

Sports journalist, chronicling the journey of Armenian athletes in national and international arenas.