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Human Rights World News

American Armenian Library Releases Declaration on 109th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide: Calls for Accountability and Recognition

The American Armenian library has announced the publication of a declaration in connection with the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. According to the announcement, the Armenian Genocide was a systematic extermination of the Armenian nation, both physically and culturally, under the paternalistic rule of the Ottoman Turks. This genocide, which took place in the 20th century, was the first of its kind where the perpetrators faced no consequences for their actions. Despite the denial of the Armenian Genocide by subsequent Turkish governments, the international community’s failure to respond adequately to this tragedy is reminiscent of other mass atrocities throughout history, including the Holocaust. Additionally, the declaration highlights the ongoing genocide in Artsakh from 2020-2024, where Azerbaijan is engaged in ethnic cleansing and the destruction of cultural heritage. Although the Armenian people have shown resilience throughout their history, the consequences and trauma of the genocide continue to burden humanity as a whole, particularly those who believe in human rights and justice.