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“The Indelible Mark of Tragedy: Armenian Genocide Commemorated on its 109th Anniversary”

The Armenian people are commemorating the 109th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide this year. The tragic and irreparable loss caused by the systematic genocide committed by the Ottoman Empire continues to have a lasting negative impact on humanity. This statement has been announced by the Middle East branch of the Armenian Court of Common Pleas.

The announcement also states that if Turkey had accepted responsibility, other genocides like those in Cambodia and Rwanda could have been prevented. It also mentions the destruction of the Armenian population from their historical homeland, the ethnic cleansing of Artsakh, and the suppression of national, government, and cultural values. The consequences of these actions are a violation of justice and rights.

On this 109th anniversary, the Armenian people are determined to continue fighting for justice and remembering those who lost their lives due to the horrors committed by Turkey. The fight must go on.

News from Armenia.

Environment-focused journalist, dedicated to issues of climate change and renewable energies.